Friday, September 16, 2011


Our little tiny precious angel boy is THREE. I do not know how this happened. Just yesterday we were caught in a storm delivering this miracle during what we thought was the most difficult time of our lives. We were so scared, yet never closer. We thank God daily for Brody and the amazing things that his perfect little presence have brought to our marriage and family.

It is amazing to look back at blogs I wrote during his first year. We truly were floating on God's grace during that time. We thought that life was hard...but we can now look back and see how easy He really made it. Loving Brody and taking care of Brody has been a gift. We have never looked back and thought "geeze God why did you put us through that?"....we look back and say 'WOW...thank you Lord for Brody!!"
I cannot fathom the idea right now that we will be looking back in three years and thanking God for our current storm. But...I sure didnt think that three years ago either. God is incredible. Huge and sovereign and mighty. His plan is big big big.
I look back at the lives that Brody has touched. The people who love him. The experiences he has endured. And his precious smile. I am blown away by God's gifts. I am looking forward to new opportunities to praise Him and thank Him.
I remember sitting in the hospital with Brody when he was 6 months old. He was so very sick and I had just lost my mom. I remember asking God why life had to be so hard. It all seemed so unfair. I am still hurting and I still feel like it is unfair...but He has gifted me with peace and provision. The Lord has shown me through many experiences that He will never leave my side and that he will fill my heart...but only when I ask Him to.

I am comforted now in in knowing that in each storm there is always a rainbow...and Brody's storm left us with this smile. And it really doesnt get much better than that.

So happy 3rd birthday to the best gift that just keeps on giving!
Our little muffin baby Brody Todey!!

Here are some pictures from Brody and Sam's 3rd Birthday Tball Bash!

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