Thursday, September 8, 2011

catch up

so what is happening over here? here goes.

- justin is HOME. here is the rundown. he NEEDED to be seen by this specialist in Cleveland...most importantly so he could be treated by him long term...but also to set up a plan to get rid of the asperiga-whatever. unfortunately, because of the scleroderma...they cannot treat it as aggressively as they would like. these two diseases have treatments that do not get along with each other. that is a bummer. BUT, they are trying a 6 week oral medication and we will just unceasingly pray that it does its duty.
- me and brax were a little crummy at the beginning of the justin was not able to immediately come to our house when he was sent home from cleveland :( even the tiniest little bug could be bad news bears for him. SO...he stayed with chris and brit and we finally got to have him back tonight. i am VERY thankful to sleep next to him tonight!!!
- we are praying for rain. the fires are so scary and so very sad and getting WAY close to home. some of our dearest friends had fires just miles from their homes yesterday. the air is now very dangerous for justin.
- preschool has started and is in full swing! i am SO loving my sweet little class!! brody and brax are doing so well! brax even slept on his little nap mat today!!! i just cannot help but peek on them each a few times during the day. it makes me all jello-y to see them having so much fun with their friends.
- makers diet is going GOOD! justin is already feeling the benefits. we have decided that we could absolutely NOT do this alone...and are SO thankful for those who are rallying around us. we are posting recipes, shopping lists and meal ideas so keep checking the blog!
- we will go to cleveland on october 17th for follow up appointments and the next step in the gameplan. he will see all three of his doctors then.
- we are still awaiting biopsy results from all the GI stuff and awaiting an appointment for the liver specialist.
- BRODY is starting big school on MONDAY! he will go to PPCD mon-thurs from 7:45am -10:45am. he qualified due to his speech impairment and i have such a peace about him going. i had officially closed the door on that...and the Lord just swung it back open and we are pumped! he will still continue to go to FBC...but just the second half of the day on t/th.
- recap...lots of things are still yucky. BUT too many things are GOOD! God is showing up in mighty ways are we are GRATEFUL! the Lord is filling us up...and we are just going to keep on asking Him to do so!

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