so this weekend was the first time that i have been back to houston since my moms funeral....11 months ago. i really cannot get a grasp on how long that has been. it seems like just last week that i was able to talk to and hold my mom. 11 months is just a devastatingly long time and it makes me sick to think of all the things she has missed over this time. being in houston left this yucky bubbly feeling in my tummy. as i drove around our neighborhood and the surrounding areas it just gave me butterflies. being that close to the place where she raised me and loved me most of my life was just yucky. i was able to make it through the trip without losing it...but it was hard to ignore the anxiousness that was filling my chest.
thankfully i had good people to surround me and pour their love on me. it was great to see everyone...although i could not help but feel cheated that she was not getting to enjoy all of our company as well. my friends were sucha HUGE part of my moms life. 90% of them called her mom too and she was just one of those moms that they trusted and shared their lives with. kristens mom is very good about loving on me in a mommy-ish way and letting me know that she is there for me. my boys really enjoyed her and i am just positive that she was eager for a nap as soon as we left :) i am sad i didnt get more pictures of everyone from the trip and especially birthday boys cliff and chris or a picture of bryce and mr. kim walking lucky! here are a few that kristen got from their chuck e cheese trip... bryce showin kiki that money!!
bryce and his bff mark