Some doors have recently been closed. We prayed hard for the Lord to show us what we were supposed to be doing. We have often felt lost during this time or like the cast members of a really confusing movie (like inception). Last week a BIG door was closed. We didnt realize right away because we were too busy freaking out...but a big important door closed. We will not be going back to Cleveland. After much prayer and lots of consultation with his MANY doctors that see him here, a decision was made. Chasing a doctor that can "cure" Justin is becoming a burden that is just not worth it. Not that Justin's life isnt worth every dollar/plane trip/doctor visit in the world. It is. He is worth more than the stars in the sky. He is a son to the king. He is a daddy. He is a precious and handsome and amazing husband. He is a friend. He is really funny. It is just physically, emotionally and medically no longer necessary for him to "chase a cure" It sounds like defeat, but it is really so much more. It is rest. It is peace. It is understanding. We are helpless and hopeful at the same time. That is a pretty tricky place to be. It requires LOTS of constant time at the foot of the cross. Continuously pouring into His word. Asking often for forgiveness and more strength for when we get angry/mad/really sad. So what does this mean? It means for now we are going to stick with the 9 local doctors that he has. We are going to consider the term that he has been deemed "unfixable"...and we are going to just wait for the Lord to show us what to do next. He saw a nuerologist on Friday who really gave him a lot of insight into what he should look forward to and what he should just accept for now. He sent him for a brain MRI and did a few other tests that we will hopefully have results from on Tuesday. He will also hopefully have some results available tomorrow from the eye specialist. So when the doctors from Cleveland called to cancel Justins was really an answer to much prayer.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
cleveland closed...for now
Posted by misty mac at 1:08 PM View Comments
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
no sleep for the whiny
I do not even know where to begin.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Posted by misty mac at 7:57 PM View Comments
Sunday, January 8, 2012
get busy
you know that speed clean thing that we do when someone is gonna pop over or our hubby's are in route home from work? oh you had a rough day/you were on facebook too much/there was a real housewives marathon/you get the idea. you run around in a mad panic and throw things here there and everywhere. shove the unfolded clothes back into the dryer. pull the comforter up..who the heck cares where the sheet is. a quick counter top intervention. flush a few toilets. slap on some lipstick and VOILA! you are a domestic goddess.
Posted by misty mac at 11:09 AM View Comments
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
twenty twelve.
I am not usually much of a resolutions girl. I constantly make resolutions all year and the pressure of big ones in January usually just stresses me out. But this year I have decided that this is a perfect time to get focused and make some goals.
Posted by misty mac at 11:49 AM View Comments