today was not our best day...but its not our worst. we have some very yucky stuff going on...but we are so surrounded with God's love and amazing people that it just cannot be our worst day.
justin was admitted into the hospital today. his pain was out of control...again.
his dr wants to get the polymyositis under control immediately...its wreaking havoc on his body right now.
we have been so covered in love since 7am this morning its just literally unbelievable.
if you have one of our kids, or have brought us tea or coffee or snacks or lunch...or prayed for us or over us...or have brought us things or called or texted or emailed...or signed up for a meal...or just chatted with us....then we are over the moon thankful.
you are all the hands and feet of jesus. you all are wonderful.
today the dr just has justin comfortable on pain meds. he has him on stronger steroids...and when he gets here in the morning we will get a plan of action going.
current prayer requests:
answers and clarification when the dr arrives in the morning.
wisdom for when we talk to bryce about this tomorrow.
peace and comfort at all the homes our kids are at.
less pain.
this polymyositis to stop dead in its we can then focus on the systemic sclerosis.
rest. (ok ok that may be too much to ask!)
I am staying at the hospital with justin tonight. We should be here awhile...I will keep you posted.
Thanks for everything friends.